Kindergarten in Pieve Torina

KindergartenPieve Torina (MC), 2018Timothy Brownlee, Sara Campanelli, Simone...

Rwanda Chapel

Rwanda Chapelwith Beatrice Malatesta, Edoardo Guidi, Valeria...

Casa MD

Casa MDAdriatic Coast HouseIn progress ...

Casa DDS

Casa DDSVasto (CH)With Arch. Dayla Riera and Arch. Michele RomoliArchitectural...

Notary's Office

…a flexible space with...

Casa PL

Casa PLMediterranean house in Jesi (AN)with Arch. Valeria Melappioni ...

Blow Up / Outfitting of the del Duca Stadium

Blow Up / Outfitting of the del Duca StadiumAscoli Piceno 2007, with arch:...

Verde in Comune

Verde in Comune, Competition for the Municipality buildingTolentino 2009, with...

Piceno Garden Show

Piceno Garden ShowSchool of Architecture and Design, University of...

House on a slope

This house is a sequence of events. ...