Plate-forme des technologies sanitaires, Institut Universitaire la cote
Douala Cameroun, 2015, School of Architecture and Design, University of Camerino,
Supervisor, Prof. Federica Ottone, with: Anna Bonvini and Simone Pirro
Douala’s Plate-forme des Technologies Sanitaires (PTSD) is a high technology structure developed by the Institut Universitaire de la Côte in partnership with the an Italian Government program focused on contributing to social and healthcare development of Cameroun. The main idea is to transform an existing building in the Bonamoussadi district with a new architectural “dress” on the outside and with a precision refurbishment on the inside, in order to provide a new building aligned with the international profile of the personnel that will work in it.
.. a contemporary and representative structure
A speaker-building at the cutting edge of technology
The Institut Universitaire la Côte building should be a contemporary and representative structure, capable of hosting countless academic and non academic events. Therefore it is crucial to provide a quality image of this “speaker-building” at the cutting edge of technology.